Sponsor a webinar by choosing from our curated list of topics most wanted by our audience (see editorial calendar) OR sponsor a custom webinar on your own topic, product, technology, or application.
As a sponsor, you receive
- Access to the registration and attendee list
- Your company logo on all webinar promotions
- Sponsor recognition during live webinar
- One resource for download during the event
- Pre-recorded commercial (up to two minutes) in virtual waiting room
- Expand the audience with LinkedIn Live hosting
With a custom sponsored webinar, you receive
Educate the market and build high-quality brand awareness, engagement and leads with webinars focused on new and exciting products, applications and technologies.
- Access to the registration and attendee list
- Your company logo on all webinar promotions
- Editorial support to create and host the live webinar
- Up to three resources for download during live webinar
- On-demand promotion of webinar for three months after live date
- Expand the audience with LinkedIn Live hosting